Made in Germany?

“Oh, from Germany! Muller. Brehme. But not so good anymore.”, the taxi driver said on our way to KK center. It is not so easy nowadays to be a proud German abroad.

But what about the world-famous German goods with their fame for quality? Like … Cars? To be frank, on Borneo, there are times when I don’t see a single German-brand car for a week, even while Grabbing through Kota Kinabalu traffic. BMWs can be seen from times to times, always white and shiny. Then on Mercedes-Benz (the luxury type) once in a while; no Audi, no VW (not a single one in 6 weeks!). Something went wrong here.

You need to look for the small things. The small clues that make you proud. And look for the Umlaute.

Tempted for a moment …





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