On the way to Sicily

On the way to Sicily

It is about 2300 km from Berlin to Sicily, so we cheated a bit and took the ferry from Genova to Palermo, which money-wise resulted in the same … although I cannot judge the fume-costs of the ferry. Anyway, we started with a wonderful stop-over in Munich, for some professional reasons, and the to-date highest…

Tutti Matti per Colorno

Tutti Matti per Colorno

This translates into “Everbody is crazy for Colorno”. It is a circus festival, or rather a festival of street and independent circus performers, and once a year it transforms the rather sleepy town close to Parma into something very special. At the heart of Colorno is a Ducale Palace, which tries to look a bit…

The church of Marano - Valpolicella

In Valpolicella

On our trip to the festival Tutti matti per Colorno we had some “wet” camping experiences due to the crazy storms (maybe in later times we would call them “normal”) in Bavaria and the Alps in general. We tried to outrun the storms with our T5 Bulli and went to Marano in the heart of…